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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Krogering in Katy

Amanda and I traveled to Katy- land of the coupon friendly cashiers :) We packed up our kids and headed up, I have to say, we were not dissapointed. We each got everything we came for and recieved no hassle or grief for our "purchases".

I broke these up into sets of 3.

18 - 4 Pack rolls of Angel Soft @ $.99, used $.50 q doubled = Free
14 -McCormick @ .99 used $.50 q doubled = Free
1 Box Barilla, clearanced at 1.04 used $.50 q doubled = $.04
4 - Bottles of Poppy Seed Dressing clearanced at $.75 = $3 for all
(I make an awesome reciepe using this and i just had to stock up!)

Total OOP $3.04


Andrea said...

Do you purchase coupons from an Internet website or do you buy a ton of papers?

Amanda said...

Hey Nena, you were supposed to share some new recipe with me. I can't remember what it was. This post made me think of it.
and I will try and remember to get the Monterrey jack cheese and doz eggs I still owe you. I have to go by Randalls to get a refund on the $1 Quaker Q I forgot, and take back some funky mozzarella cheese I bought there.

Nena said...


It really depends. These coupons came from inserts that I got locally. I acutally checked to see if I could get some more on Ebay and the ones with 20 coupons were going around $10! Thats insane! Kind of defeats the purpous in my opinion.

Anyway, I get my inserts from papers I buy, ones from friends and family that give me their inserts, and the recycling center.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!

Andrea said...

I have started following your blog along with your friend Amanda and really enjoying seeing what what buy. Does your recycling center let you go collect them for free? How does that work? Thanks for the info!

Nena said...


Thanks :) We are glad that you are enjoying coming along with us on this ride :)

Now, here in our area we have two types of "recycling centers" I prefer one method and Amanda prefers another :) Behind every school and chuch in our area are huge recycle bins that look like dumpsters. My DH is kind enough to jump in and find inserts for me. Its not gross (usually) just newspapers and sometimes school work ect. So we just dig through that. Now we also have a big recycle center... I haven't ever been, but its in doors and Amanda does it this way. And no, they don't charge :) The indoor ones do have employees there, but they don't mind!